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Digital Downloads
Digital Downloads
I ordered a digital book. How do I download it? Thank you for your purchase! After checking out through Paypal, you will be redirected to our site. Simply visit your Account page here on and navigate to the Downloads tab. (Occasionally, payments may take longer to clear, in which case downloads may not be available immediately.)
How long do I have to download my digital books? Download links are available for 72 hours following purchase. We suggest you download these ASAP. Also, you will have a limited number of download attempts. For this reason, please ensure your computer is ready and that you save the file in an easy-to-access folder on your device. Once downloaded, you do not need an internet connection for viewing!
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Teaching & Course Work
Teaching the Art History Course
I don’t know anything about Art History. Can I really teach this class? Yes! The textbook and teacher guide provide everything you need to teach art history to 1 or 100+ students. Have fun learning with them as you explore the fascinating world of art history!
I know the site says this curriculum provides full credit for high school students, but can my middle school child take the class? If your child studies at a high school level already, then yes, you can use this material with them. In fact, the author had several advanced middle school students take her high school classes over the years, and they loved it!
How many lessons are included in the full Art History credit? The textbook contains 19 chapters and was designed for use as a full-year course spanning (2) 18-week semesters (36 weeks total). However, the Teacher Guide provides details for shortening or lengthening the course (30 weeks+). Also, it is best to allow at least 1 hour per week of classroom time for schools to complete the discussion questions and exams. This will leave students with approximately 3-4 hours of homework per week, including readings, exam preparation, and completion of required papers.
Can the Art History material be condensed into a single semester? Completing the full-credit course in a single semester is possible by doubling up on weekly readings and completing exams/papers in half the time, as some universities have begun doing. However, this is only recommended for very motivated high school students and schools or co-ops, with additional time to devote to in-class coursework each week.
Can The Master and His Apprentices be used to teach art history for AP or CLEP-type exams? The Master and His Apprentices is an excellent companion textbook when preparing for these exams. However, it should not be used as the sole preparation material. For instance, the works included on the AP exam are constantly changing. The Master and His Apprentices may not cover all of the current works, particularly those in the modern and non-western sections.
Can you really study Art History without showing nude artwork? Yes. In fact, there are really only a few artists whose most famous pieces include nudity. In these cases, the works are mentioned in the artist’s bio so students understand when the works were created, but in The Master and His Apprentices, the nudity is not displayed. Does this detract from the artist’s skill? No, quite the contrary. Often, so much emphasis is put on Michelangelo’s David, for instance, that other equally executed works are ignored. Therefore, The Master and His Apprentices chose to highlight Michelangelo’s Pieta, Moses, and Rebellious Slave sculptures. These each contain equally striking technical execution, emotion, and storytelling qualities.
However, for families/schools that feel the addition of nude pieces is important, these can easily be inserted. The most famous nude pieces typically included in a college-level art history course (Western art through the Baroque period) include the Venus of Willendorf, Donatello’s David, Michelangelo’s David, Michelangelo’s Sistine Chapel fresco cycle, Botticelli’s Birth of Venus, and Durer’s Adam and Eve.
Teaching the Studio Art Course
Teaching the Studio Art Course
I don’t know anything about Studio Art. Can I really teach this class? Yes! Simply read the Foundational Principles ahead of time and each Project before it is assigned. Then provide encouragement, as needed, and direct students back to the Foundational Principles when they have questions. Information is included for assigning projects, recording hours worked, grading, and granting credit. Plus, you may find that you want to try your hand at some of the projects too! 🙂
I know this Studio Art course can provide up to a full credit for high school students, but can my younger students benefit too? Yes, absolutely! We recommend 12+ for primarily self-study. However, younger children can benefit from learning the foundational principles and working on projects as well. They may need extra assistance from you or an older sibling to fully understand the foundational principles and apply these to their projects. However, the author has taught similar material to children as young as 7 who were quickly drawing at an “adult level.” It’s like music; if a child takes piano lessons and practices, they can eventually play more advanced songs than older piano players who do not take lessons or practice.
How many lessons are included in the full Studio Art credit? Good question! All students should complete the 10 Foundational Principles, which each contain practice exercises. After that, it depends on how long it takes students to complete their desired Projects. A “Time Log” is included for recording hours, with 120+ hours equalling a full elective credit. The course contains 30 Projects; however, many students will hit 120+ hours long before completing all of these. On average, projects take 4-5 hours to complete, Yet it depends on the subject matter chosen (level of detail, complexity) and the speed at which a student works. The book’s instructions for parents and teachers include more details on this.
Can the Studio Art material be condensed into a single semester? Yes, particularly if you only desire .25 to .5 credit. Otherwise, the full credit requires 120+ hours spent on exercises and projects, so it really depends on your child’s schedule. In most cases, we expect the full-credit course to be spread over a full school year.
Does the Studio Art course contain any nudity? No, like the Art History course, it does not contain nude images.
How much will the art supplies cost to complete the full credit Studio Art course? This depends on what you already own and the projects and methods chosen by each student (as many have multiple variations). However, the author did her level best to keep the supplies to a budget-friendly minimum. These include as many free and inexpensive alternative options as possible. For instance, over half the projects can be completed with just a “Drawing Kit,” assembled from items you probably already own.
Printing & Copies
Printing & Copies
I bought the Digital Art History Textbook – can I print copies? The author purposely formatted the art history book so it can be printed at home on standard 8 1/2″ x 11″ paper, 3-hole punched, and stored in a binder. This is the author’s gift to homeschool families and private Christian schools to try to keep the cost as low as possible! In turn, we ask that you please contribute to the exorbitant cost (in both time and materials) to produce this work by purchasing a copy for each family/student/teacher. Please do NOT print more than one personal copy (which is also illegal).
I bought the Teacher Guide – can I print/make copies? It is illegal to print, copy, share, or resell consumable workbooks. However, the author is again providing a gift to the Christian community by selling the Print Rights for the Teacher Guide for only $2/student! How does this work? If you are a homeschool parent with a single child taking the course, you just purchase a Teacher Guide and use it as is. However, if you are a homeschool parent, co-op teacher, or private school teacher with 2+ students, you will need to purchase a Teacher Guide (that covers the first student) and then pay $2 for each additional student taking the class. This provides you the right to print (from the digital version) or photocopy (from the perforated physical version). This includes worksheets, exams, etc., for each student you have legally paid for.
I bought a digital version but lost my “Download, Print & Use Instructions.” Do you have a copy? Yes, a PDF of the “Download, Print & Use Instructions” for the Digital Art History Textbook and Digital Teacher Guide can be downloaded here.
Which is more economical, the Hardcover Art History Textbook or printing the Digital Art History Textbook at home? The digital version is a good value for those who already have good, high-yield color printers and extra paper lying around. However, for those with old color printers that are not as efficient or others planning on having the book printed locally (Staples, OfficeMax, etc.), the hardcover version generally comes out cheaper.
I will be teaching a homeschool co-op or private school class. Can we get a discount? Yes, we provide 20% discounts for bulk purchases (10+ copies) of Hardcover and Digital Art History Books and Softcover and Digital Studio Art Books. Please message us for more information on placing your discounted group order.
Have a question but don’t see the answer? Please do not hesitate to contact us. We are always here to help you!
Ready to order and begin expanding your art appreciation?
Art History Textbook

Retail: $149.99

Retail: $34.99
Art History Teacher Guide

Retail: $24.99

Retail: $19.99
Studio Art Curriculum

Retail: $49.99

Retail: $29.99
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